Children's Dental X-Rays

In our Belmont pediatric dentist’s office, we prescribe dental radiographs according to the principle of ALARA—which stands for “as low as reasonably achievable”. This means even if it is a small dose, if receiving that dose has no direct benefit to our young patients, we would avoid it. 

Understanding X-Rays

Digital X-rays allow us to see in and around your child’s smile, in places that aren’t visible during an exam. Some of the things Dr. Joyce is checking for include:
Eruption patterns
Missing teeth
Tooth decay
Atypical development
When x-rays are deemed necessary to help our dentist visualize areas that are otherwise unable to be visualized clinically, such as potential cavities between tight contacts or the growth and development within your child’s jaw bone, we utilize all protective measures in radiation safety for our children, including the latest digitized/low radiation equipments, shielding, and lead apron with thyroid collar. 
(Click/tap to enlarge)

Promoting Healthier Smiles

Today’s digital X-rays use as much as 90% less radiation than radiography equipment from a few decades ago. Your child’s safety is our priority. Through early exam and intervention, digital imaging allows us to reduce your child’s oral health complications for a healthier smile in the future.

Reserve your child’s first appointment with our Belmont pediatric dentist today!

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Reserve your child’s next appointment with Belmont’s only board-certified pediatric dentist today!